Kick9 Co. Ltd. Apps

NBA All Net 7.2
Kick9 Co. Ltd.
PRODUCT OVERVIEWCreate your dream line-up choosing from over 500 NBA superstarsfrom past and present!Train and evolve players, unlock unique skills, and strategize tobeat thousands of online rivals from around the world! Lead yourteam to victory and become the ultimate NBA manager!The only strategic card game which combines savvy chemistrycombinations of NBA players, multiple exciting game modes, endlesslive challenges, and realistic 3D matches!Feel the excitement of the new NBA Season, free on your mobiledevice! NBA All Net, the power is in your hands!KEY FEATURES• Harness the Power of your favorite NBA Stars whilecollecting, managing, and customizing a roster of up to 300 NBAplayers from past and present! Unlock your rosters’ skills toensure they reach their full potential and prove to the worldyou’re an elite manager!• Create Your Dream Roster: Manage your teams’ line-up,coaching style, and strategic decisions. Deck your players out inthe best gear you can get your hands on. Play your cards right andyou’ll have a true dream roster on your hands!• Compete in Multiple Game Modes: Play through LegendaryMatches experiencing historic moments in NBA history. Test yourlimits in Road to Glory, battle your way through tournaments, orcompete in Ranked Matches!• Play Against Real World Opponents: Battle with liveplayers around the world with a never-ending calendar ofchallenges! Earn your place on the seasonal leaderboard!Due to the large game size (115MB), we suggest downloading andinstalling using a WIFI connection.
お庭で妖怪ほいほい改 2.0.5
Kick9 Co. Ltd.
全世界20万DLを突破した人気アプリ「お庭で妖怪ほいほい」が、ちょびっとパワーアップして帰ってきたぞ!** 庭に集まる妖怪を罠で爽快に捕獲!**** ハラハラドキドキ新しい放置ゲーム! **------------ゲーム紹介-----------------江戸のお屋敷の庭に現れる妖怪たちをごっそり捕まえろ!ダウンロード無料で楽しめる純和風まったり&ドキドキ妖怪ゲームがさっそうと登場!遊びかたはとっても簡単!1.ワナの下にめしを置く2.お茶などを飲んでちょっと待つ3.妖怪がほいほい集まってきたらワナを使う4.妖怪をたくさん捕って幸せな気分になるたったこれだけ!◆新要素「チャレンジ」でメダルを集めよう!妖怪集めの遊びに加えて新しい目標「チャレンジ」モードを追加!色んなチャレンジをクリアして、かわいくてかっちょいいメダルを手に入れよう!◆誰もが知ってる「あのワナ」で妖怪を捕まえよう!棒っ切れにカゴをかぶせた「あのワナ」。一度使ってみたいと思ったことありませんか?この「妖怪ほいほい」なら何度でも使い放題。シンプルイズベストなワナで妖怪を捕まえよう!◆ドキドキの真剣勝負を楽しもう!ワナを使うチャンスは1ゲームにつき1回だけ。妖怪たちの動きを見きわめて、ベストなタイミングでワナを使おう!ドキドキするぶん、妖怪たちがごっそり捕れた時は超キモチいい!悶え声が江戸の街に響き渡る!◆色んな妖怪を捕まえよう!カッパや一つ目小僧など、有名妖怪たちがキュートな姿で登場!中にはちょっと変な妖怪もいるけど、そこは気にしない!妖怪を全種類集めて絵巻コンプリートを目指そう!◆色んなめしを置いて妖怪を集めよう!売店で買えるめしはとにかく品数豊富!欲しい妖怪をおびき寄せるために好物を置いて待つべし!◆便利なアイテムを上手に使おう!待ち時間を短くする「おふだ」や、一度に妖怪が多く捕まえられる「大きなカゴ」、捕まえてない妖怪たちの好物がわかる「虫眼鏡」など、売店にはかゆいところに手が届く便利アイテムがたくさん!うまく使いこなしてゲームを進めよう!その他にも、前作のプレイヤーのみんなからの改善案を取り入れて、た~くさんゲームを改善したぞ!初めての人はもちろん、これまで妖怪ほいほいをプレイしてくれた人も、パワーアップした「妖怪ほいほい」を楽しもう!まったり&ドキドキ、一粒で二度美味しいゲームは「お庭で!妖怪ほいほい」だけ!【こんなキーワードが気になる人におすすめ】放置ゲーム、妖怪、和風、かっぱ、鬼太郎、あやかし、おばけ、屋敷、お庭、江戸、捕獲、わなFacebookページから最新情報を手に入れよう!でも妖怪ほいほい!小僧のつぶやきを見逃すな!
新捕妖达人 2.0
Kick9 Co. Ltd.
+ 全世界超過10萬下載 !+ 用那個經典的捕捉神器將院子裡的妖怪一網打盡!+ 忐忑不安、心跳加速、全新的放置系遊戲!+ 全球多家媒體好評介紹!---------來自媒體的好評介紹!-------------電玩宅速配 :“喜­歡妖怪的玩家們不要錯過這款可愛又迷人的小品遊戲唷!”來自玩家的好評介紹!-------------「妖怪們太治癒繫了!」「終於、終於還是打開門去看他們來了沒有!」「即使從前不喜歡妖怪,這次太可愛,還是也愛上了(ฺ′ω`)σ」「新的妖怪出現時血壓上升心跳加速!w」------------遊戲概要-----------------在江戶時代的宅院裡出現了一夥小妖怪,快去抓住他們!快來免費體驗純日本風的又萌又心跳的妖怪遊戲吧!遊戲規則非常簡單1)在陷阱下面放上任何一個誘餌2)邊等邊做點什麼(上廁所?睡覺?學習?看TV?請隨意),等待倒計時3)看到妖怪聚集了?尋找時機,撥倒棍子啟動陷阱!4)把扣在陷阱下面的小妖怪擒拿歸案僅此而已!--------------------◆這個最簡單粗暴的陷阱,還記得嗎?撥倒棍子、上面的籃子隨即扣下來。小時候誰都會想嘗試的遊戲,現在在這裡可以進行體驗!◆快來體會心跳加速的決勝瞬間!啟動陷阱的機會在每輪只有一次!充分觀察妖怪的行動,在最好的時機啟動陷阱!心跳加速後捕捉到一大堆小妖怪時的心情,只能用爽快來形容!小妖怪驚訝的聲音,將會在江戶的小鎮此起彼伏!◆將各種小妖怪捉回來吧!河童、一目小僧等等非常有名氣的妖怪會獃萌獃萌的陸續登場!中間也會夾雜一些奇怪的小妖怪,至於他們的來歷,先別在意了!將所有的小妖怪緝拿歸案,完成你的捲軸收藏吧!◆利用各式各樣的誘餌商店裡出售各式各樣的誘餌,其中有針對某類妖怪的特殊誘餌,用用看!◆完美使用各種方便道具商店裡除了誘餌,也長年出售讓等待時間縮短的“符文”,一次能捉住更多妖怪的“大號中華鐵鍋”。江湖上失傳已久的“照妖鏡”,可以看到各種妖怪的喜好。適當的利用這些特殊道具,你將更加有利!休閒和心跳,雙重體驗,只在《捕妖達人》!--------------------【推薦給在意以下事項的人們】放置系遊戲、妖怪、日本風、河童、鬼太郎、妖精、鬼、老宅、院子、江戶、捕捉、陷阱--------------------Facebook可以得到遊戲的最新信息和活動預告
Glass to Glass 1.1
Kick9 Co. Ltd.
▼▼▼Pour the right amount of drink to fill up thedifferentglasses▼▼▼Earn coins in the game to get new drinksA simple, tough and addictive game is here! How many glassescanyou pour?
Avalon Legends 2.5.21
Kick9 Co. Ltd.
PRODUCT OVERVIEWAvalon was once a beautiful continent and habitat to elfs, dwarfs,dragons, and other mysterious creatures until a dark demon aroseand destroyed the peace and balance which was once present.The great ancestors strove to fight against the demons to expelthem west of the land. Their survivors erected great forts alongthe West Mountains to repel the advances of the demons as therelentless attacks ensued. The Bright League was formed to be thepeace guardians of the world and to defend the innocent and abolishthe demons. As an apprentice to Aldebaran College it falls to youand other noble heroes to train and battle the viciousdemons.Are you the legend humanity has been waiting for?KEY FEATURES• A fantastic 3D graphics emerging you in this 360 degreeworld!• Control your player with easy gestures, taps andswipes!• Choose your adventure with an in-depth storylinecontaining multiple paths!• Face rigorous challenges in over 100 uniquedungeons!• Play as 5 different characters each with 9 ultimateabilities to be mastered!• Raise, promote, and fight alongside your pet!• Equip wings to increase your fighting abilities &customize your character!• Battle with friends in PVP or continue playing PVE toincrease stats!FOLLOW US:Connect with us and receive the latest updates!FacebooK:
Mine Heroes
Kick9 Co. Ltd.
Mine HeroesThe Land of Leviathan is a rich and beautiful land, home tohumans and all kinds of creatures. In the year 758, the first steamengine was invented, then began a great technologicalrevolution.As industry rose, precious metals became the most valuable andcontested resources in Leviathan. The wealthiest man in the world,Mendes Eadmund, owned more than 60% of all the mines known to man.He has mysteriously disappeared, along with all histreasures.You’ve found a journal documenting his dangerous adventures deepinto the Snow Mountains. Can you become the Ultimate Hero and solvethis mystery? Build your crew, hop onto your train and start yourEpic Adventures!Key Features:- 45+ Heroes for you to recruit and build your crew- Overcome challenges by strategically selecting your crew’sskills- Deep Hero and Item upgrade systems- Enhance and customize your steam engine- Collect massive amounts of unique loot- A wide variety of monsters and bosses provide endlessre-playability and challenges- Multiple PvP game modes to compete with other players- Guild Raids and cooperative challenges
Warriors of Glory 4.9
Kick9 Co. Ltd.
PRODUCT OVERVIEWWarriors of Glory is an exciting ARPG with stunning 3D gamegraphics and RTS gameplay. The once prosperous and peaceful Kingdomis under siege from an undead army hell bent on the destruction ofall human life! Work with the Royal Legionaries and War Dogs andlay waste to all Skeletons, Demons, and Trolls who dare stand inyour path!Restore peace and prosperity, Glory shall be yours!KEY FEATURES• THREE PLAYABLE CHARACTERSPlay as 3 unique warriors each leading to different density pathsand skill trees.Barbarians - Pummel your opponents into submission with yourfists.Assassins - Strike from the shadows and unleash lightning fastcombination attacks.Mages - Summon the power of the elements and blast yourenemies.• REAL-TIME 2V2 ARENA COMBATStep into the epic 2v2 Arena with your friends, battle head to heador duel other players for the chance to win amazing prizes! Chooseyour Ally and form the ultimate team to increase your comprehensivebatter power.• JOIN A GUILD AND HUNT WORLD BOSSESGather your friends and join a Guild to build alliances with otherHeroes. Battle as a team, make tactical decisions and defeatpowerful bosses!• STUNNING 3D GRAPHICSImmerse yourself in an amazing world rendered in cutting-edge 3Dgraphics containing incredible visual experiences you’ve come toexpect from PCs and Consoles!• SIMPLE AND INTUITIVE TOUCH CONTROLSAttack, Parry, Block, Strike and Combo! Experience the iconiceasy-to-use control system and unleash your heroes’ unique skillswith the simple swipe of a finger! Feel the excitement of fastpaced battles!Connect with Warriors of Glory!Facebook:
Anti Infection
Kick9 Co. Ltd.
PRODUCT OVERVIEW:The year is 2070 and planet earth has become analien-infested wasteland following the failure of a dimensionexperiment. The very existence of mankind is now threatened byhordes of ruthless alien creatures. In the chaos also emerged arebel group that secretly aided the extraterrestrials for theirevil plot, pitching themselves against the human alliance. As thecommander of the alliance, only you can stop their evil plot andsave humanity from an unprecedented menace. Anti Infection is an Sci-Fi real-time strategy game featuringclassic-looking 2.5D graphics with rich details. Build your base,command powerful Heroes with special abilities and guide yourmechanized army into adrenaline-filled PvP battles with intuitivetouch controls. Explore a post-apocalypse earth plagued by aliencreatures as you battle through shattered cities, wind-erodedlandforms and alien-dominated ice field, and do whatever you can tobring peace and order back to the planet.  The war has begun. Are you ready?! FEATURES:• QUEST your way through an action-packed storyline and face hordesof alien monsters.• COMMAND a futuristic mechanized army with unique skills andmultiple upgrades.• BUILD your base with a thriving economy using strategy andtactic.• DEFEND your base against impending attacks with defenders, traps,self-destructive droids and 10+ upgradable towers!• LEVEL UP your heroes and unlock their powerful abilities.• BATTLE players worldwide in breath-taking asynchronous battlesand CONQUER their territory for valuable rewards.• CONTROL all the action in REAL-TIME!• CLIMB ranks in real-time PvP arena, DOMINATE your enemies, andPURSUE the ultimate victory!NOTES:A network connection is required. Anti Infection also requiresAndroid 4.0, CPU 1.5 Ghz and RAM 2GB or higher specification forsmooth gameplay. Devices under those specifications might encountercrash.Problems & Questions: Please feel free to contact our friendly GMs in the Options>Helpsection in game, or email us at
Edo Monster Collection G 1.4.5
Kick9 Co. Ltd.
★More than 100,000 downloads worldwide!★★Collect cute traditional Japanese monsters!★★Funny, cute and simple!---------Some of the many great reviews fromourusers!-------------"Aww, I love the little monsters!""I’m always opening the door to catch more monsters!""All of the monsters are so cute!""Collecting new monsters is really exciting!"------------Introduction-----------------Enjoy the atmosphere of Edo, ancient Tokyo, and collectcute-kawaiimonsters which show up in your garden!Japanese-style monster catching! Free Download!Simple and fun to play!1. Put some bait into the trap.2. Wait a little while.3. When monsters show up, spring the trap and catch them!!It’s that simple!--------------------◆Catch monsters with the simplest trap ever!To catch these monsters, you don't need complicated machines,Just a simple trap and tasty food.◆Enjoy the catching game!There is only one chance to spring the trap in each game!Find out the movement of monsters and use the trap at theperfecttime!You can catch a ton of monsters at once!◆Catch various monsters!Many types of famous Japanese monsters (Yokai) appear inthegame!Collect all of them and complete the Monster Book!◆Put Japanese foods and attract rare monsters!You can buy various Japanese foods in the shop!Choose carefully and attract the monsters you want!◆Make use of handy items!There are a lot of convenient items that make thegameplayeasier!You can shorten the waiting time of the trap by usingscrolls!A magnifying glass makes it possible to see each monster'sfavoritefood!Make use of the items and improve your gameplay!Enjoy relaxing and exciting time with Edo monster collection!--------------------【Tags】Yokai, Japan, Kawaii, Kappa, Kitaro, ghost, Edo,--------------------Get the latest information on our Facebook page!
Puzzle Monster Quest: Arthur
Kick9 Co. Ltd.
King Arthur is coming! Go to temple and summonthe legendary King to fight for you!The very unique game design that everyone should at least take atry! No similar games existing! A game that all kinds of playerswill enjoy! Fun guaranteed!What do you want from the game? Conquer the dungeons to meet thefinal BOSS? Build the most powerful equipment? Collect the raredragons to build your team? Fight with your friends to gainnumerous treasure? No problem! Only you can decide how to play thegame. No matter whether you are a hard core strategy player orcasual player!Warning! Warning! The monsters are destroying the village! Yourbravery is required at once. Fight in Puzzle Dungeons and collectdragon eggs to breed your own dragon team and protect thelocals.On your journey, Swipe, Match, and unleash Powerful Attacks! Becomeaddicted as you guide your hero and dragons through treacherousdungeons, be wary of enemy monsters whom you can catch and collectto build your team’s party!ATTACKING-Match tiles leading to an enemy monster to release anattack!-The greater the amount of tiles matched, the greater the attackstrength!-Match 15 or more tiles to launch a Bravery Chain!CRAFTING-Forge weapons and armor by visiting your local blacksmith!-Craft rare materials to create mythical equipment!EVOLVE DRAGONS-Over 1000+ dragons and monsters to attack, raise, and call yourfriend!-Collect, evolve and strengthen your dragons and monsters througheach journey and victory, create the ultimate party!MULTIPLAYER DUNGEONS-Puzzle Dragon Dungeons becomes even more fun with MultiplayerMode! Cooperate with a friend and challenge Multiplayer Dungeonsonce you reach a certain rank!
NBA大冒險 1.6
Kick9 Co. Ltd.
キテレツ!妖怪ほいほい2 2.1
Kick9 Co. Ltd.
Pixie Frenzy 1.0
Kick9 Co. Ltd.
MATCH, ATTACK & SAVE THEKINGDOM!The Pixies were living in a peaceful kingdom, when suddenly theirbeloved princess was abducted by a super evil genie! The pixieshave united and will not stop until their princess is saved.HOW TO PLAY• Reach each level’s special targets• Match 3 or more of the same pixies• Use special perks for an advantage• Unlock more land to conquer + exploreEASY GAMEPLAY• Easy to learn and masterCUTE AND FUNNY GRAPHICS• Stunning graphics and gorgeous visual effectsSUPPORT UNIVERSAL APP• Always play whether on phone or tabletFACEBOOK• Facebook leaderboards and share achievements with friendsFOLLOW USGet the latest information on our Facebook page!
Monster Trapper 1.2.1
Kick9 Co. Ltd.
Catch & Collect cute traditional Japanesemonsters! Funny, cute and simple!1. Put some bait into the trap.2. Wait for a little while.3. When monsters show up, spring the trap and catch them!!That's it!GAME FEATURES◆Catch monsters with the simplest trap ever!To catch these monsters, you don't need complicated machines,Just a simple trap and tasty food.◆Enjoy the catching game!There is only one chance to spring the trap in each game!Find out the movement of monsters and use the trap at the perfecttime!You can catch a ton of monsters at once!◆Catch various monsters!Many types of famous Japanese monsters (Yokai) appear in thegame!Collect all of them and complete the Monster Book!◆Put Japanese foods and attract rare monsters!You can buy various Japanese foods in the shop!Choose carefully and attract the monsters you want!◆Make use of handy items!There are a lot of convenient items that make the gameplayeasier!You can shorten the waiting time of the trap by usingscrolls!A magnifying glass makes it possible to see each monster's favoritefood!Make use of the items and improve your gameplay!Enjoy relaxing and exciting time with Edo monster Go!FOLLOW USGet the latest information on our Facebook page!
Mine Heroes 2
Kick9 Co. Ltd.
Mine Heroes 2The Land of Leviathan is a rich and beautiful land, home tohumans and all kinds of creatures. In the year 758, the first steamengine was invented, then began a great technologicalrevolution.As industry rose, precious metals became the most valuable andcontested resources in Leviathan. The wealthiest man in the world,Mendes Eadmund, owned more than 60% of all the mines known to man.He has mysteriously disappeared, along with all histreasures.You’ve found a journal documenting his dangerous adventures deepinto the Snow Mountains. Can you become the Ultimate Hero and solvethis mystery? Build your crew, hop onto your train and start yourEpic Adventures!Key Features:- 45+ Heroes for you to recruit and build your crew- Overcome challenges by strategically selecting your crew’sskills- Deep Hero and Item upgrade systems- Enhance and customize your steam engine- Collect massive amounts of unique loot- A wide variety of monsters and bosses provide endlessre-playability and challenges- Multiple PvP game modes to compete with other players- Guild Raids and cooperative challenges
蠟筆小新呼風喚雨 1.1.0
Kick9 Co. Ltd.